API Reference
Color API
Create a color based on the tag, color component, and alpha channel value.
createColor('foo', { bar: 100, baz: -100 }, 0.5)
The alpha value of the channel when creating a color
When creating a color, the alpha channel will be cast to the range [0, 1] with 2 decimal places.
createColor('', {}, 0.7835) // The alpha value will be equal to 0.78.
createColor('', {}, -1) // The alpha value will be equal to 0.
createColor('', {}, 2) // The alpha value will be equal to 1.
Create a factory for the color space based on the tag and color component validators.
const barValidator = (n) => Math.max(Math.min(1, n), 0)
const myColorSpace = createColorFactory('MyColorSpace', {
// Limits the passed values to the range [0, Inf].
foo: (n) => Math.max(0, n),
// Limits the passed values to the range [0, 1].
bar: (n) => Math.max(Math.min(1, n), 0),
// Will create a color with foo: 0, bar: 1 and alpha channel value: 0.5.
const myColor = myColorSpace({ foo: -10, bar: 20, alpha: 0.5 })
Create set
, increase
, decrease
operations for color space components.
const { set, increase, decrease } = createColorComponentOperations(
Change the color based on the data passed in. If the value has a validator, the validator will check the value.
const color = createColor('myColor', { foo: 1 }, 0.5)
// Will only change the alpha channel.
const transparentColor = modifyColor({ alpha: 0 }, color)
// Will only change the foo component.
const newFooColor = modifyColor({ foo: 8 }, color)
Increase the alpha channel value on the color.
const color = createColor('myColor', {}, 0.5)
const rgbColor = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 }, 0.5)
opacify(0.3, color) // The alpha value of the channel is 0.8.
opacify(0.3, rgbColor) // The alpha value of the channel is 0.8.
Decrease the alpha channel value on the color.
const color = createColor('myColor', {}, 0.5)
const rgbColor = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 }, 0.5)
transparetize(0.3, color) // The alpha value of the channel is 0.2.
transparetize(0.3, rgbColor) // The alpha value of the channel is 0.2.
Create an RGB color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 255, green: 127, blue: 63 })
Passed component values when creating an RGB color.
All passed components will be converted to integer values in the range [0, 255].
// Will create a color with value red: 255, green: 0, blue: 64.
createRGBColor({ red: 1000, green: -100, blue: 63.51 })
Check if the color is from the RGB color space family.
isRGBColor(createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 })) // true
isRGBColor(createColor("MyColor", {})) // false
Set the red component of the RGB color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 })
setRed(127, color) // new color with red component equals 127
setRed(-1000, color) // new color with red component equals 0
setRed(1000, color) // new color with red component equals 255
Increase a value to the red component of the color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 32, green: 0, blue: 0 })
increaseRed(32, color) // new color with red component equals 64
increaseRed(-1000, color) // new color with red component equals 0
increaseRed(1000, color) // new color with red component equals 255
Decrease a value to the red component of the color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 32, green: 0, blue: 0 })
decreaseRed(16, color) // new color with red component equals 16
decreaseRed(-1000, color) // new color with red component equals 255
decreaseRed(1000, color) // new color with red component equals 0
Set the green component of the RGB color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 })
setGreen(127, color) // new color with green component equals 255
setGreen(-1000, color) // new color with green component equals 0
setGreen(1000, color) // new color with green component equals 255
Increase a value to the green component of the color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 32, blue: 0 })
increaseGreen(32, color) // new color with green component equals 64
increaseGreen(-1000, color) // new color with green component equals 0
increaseGreen(1000, color) // new color with green component equals 255
Decrease a value to the green component of the color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 32, blue: 0 })
decreaseGreen(16, color) // new color with green component equals 16
decreaseGreen(-1000, color) // new color with green component equals 255
decreaseGreen(1000, color) // new color with green component equals 0
Set the blue component of the RGB color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 })
setBlue(127, color) // new color with blue component equals 127
setBlue(-255, color) // new color with blue component equals 0
setBlue(1000, color) // new color with blue component equals 255
Increase a value to the blue component of the color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 32 })
increaseBlue(32, color) // new color with blue component equals 64
increaseBlue(-1000, color) // new color with blue component equals 0
increaseBlue(1000, color) // new color with blue component equals 255
Decrease a value to the blue component of the color.
const color = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 32 })
decreaseBlue(16, color) // new color with blue component equals 16
decreaseBlue(-1000, color) // new color with blue component equals 255
decreaseBlue(1000, color) // new color with blue component equals 0
Blending RGB color based on css formula for compositing and blending.
const red = createRGBColor({ red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0 })
const blue = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 255 })
alphaBlendingRGB(red, blue) // Copy blue color
// Create color with red = 128, green = 0, blue = 128 and alpha = 1
transparentize(0.5, blue),
Mixing with RGB colors based on weight.
const white = createRGBColor({ red: 255, green: 255, blue: 255 })
const black = createRGBColor({ red: 0, green: 0, blue: 0 })
mixRGB(white, black, 0.5) // new color with all components equals 128
mixRGB(white, black, 0) // copy of white color
mixRGB(white, black, 1) // copy of black color
Create an HSL color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 120, saturation: 50, lightness: 50 })
Passed component values when creating an HSL color.
The hue value of the component will be converted to an integer value in the range [0, 360).
The value of the saturation and lightness components will be converted to an integer value in the range [0, 100].
// Will create a color with value hue: 1, saturation: 0, lightness: 50.
createHSLColor({ hue: 721, saturation: -100, lightness: 49.51 })
Check if the color is from the HSL color space family.
isHSLColor(createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 0, lightness: 0 })) // true
isHSLColor(createColor("MyColor", {})) // false
Set the hue component of the HSL color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 0, lightness: 0 })
setHue(120, color) // new color with hue component equals 120
setHue(-1, color) // new color with hue component equals 359
setHue(361, color) // new color with hue component equals 1
Add a value to hue component of the color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 120, saturation: 0, lightness: 0 })
rotateHue(120, color) // new color with hue component equals 240
rotateHue(241, color) // new color with hue component equals 1
rotateHue(-121, color) // new color with hue component equals 359
Set the saturation component of the HSL color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 50, lightness: 0 })
setSaturation(70, color) // new color with saturation component equals 70
setSaturation(150, color) // new color with saturation component equals 100
setSaturation(-150, color) // new color with saturation component equals 0
Increase a value to saturation component of the color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 50, lightness: 0 })
saturate(25, color) // new color with saturation component equals 75
saturate(150, color) // new color with saturation component equals 100
saturate(-150, color) // new color with saturation component equals 0
Decrease a value to the saturation component of the color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 50, lightness: 0 })
desaturate(25, color) // new color with saturation component equals 25
desaturate(150, color) // new color with saturation component equals 0
desaturate(-150, color) // new color with saturation component equals 100
Set the lightness component of the HSL color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 0, lightness: 50 })
setLightness(70, color) // new color with lightness component equals 70
setLightness(150, color) // new color with lightness component equals 100
setLightness(-150, color) // new color with lightness component equals 0
Increase a value to lightness component of the color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 0, lightness: 50 })
lighten(25, color) // new color with lightness component equals 75
lighten(150, color) // new color with lightness component equals 100
lighten(-150, color) // new color with lightness component equals 0
Decrease a value to the lightness component of the color.
const color = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 0, lightness: 50 })
desaturate(25, color) // new color with lightness component equals 25
desaturate(150, color) // new color with lightness component equals 0
desaturate(-150, color) // new color with lightness component equals 100
Convert RGB color to HSL color.
const rgb = createRGBColor({ red: 255, green: 0, blue: 0 })
RGB2HSL(rgb) // HSL color with hue = 0, saturation = 100, lightness = 50
Convert HSL color to RGB color.
const hsl = createHSLColor({ hue: 0, saturation: 100, lightness: 50 })
HSL2RGB(hsl) // RGB color with red = 255, green = 0, blue = 0
Utils API
Check if the numbers are included in the range.
inRange(5, { minimum: 0, maximum: 10 }) // true
inRange(-1, { minimum: 0, maximum: 10 }) // false
inRange(11, { minimum: 0, maximum: 10 }) // false
Limit the number to a minimum and a maximum.
clamp(5, { minimum: 0, maximum: 10 }) // 5
clamp(-1, { minimum: 0, maximum: 10 }) // 0
clamp(11, { minimum: 0, maximum: 10 }) // 10
Limit a number to a minimum and a maximum using the modulo operator.
modulo(0, { minimum: 120, maximum: 360 }) // 120
modulo(-1, { minimum: -1, maximum: 360 }) // 359
modulo(11, { minimum: 721, maximum: 360 }) // 1
Modulo range
The minimum and maximum are counted as one number.